A Unique Way to Increase your Advisory Service Revenue

What is a unique differentiator to increase your advisory service revenue? The answer: run mastermind peer groups with your clients and prospects.

What is the Value of My Practice?

There are many benefits to adding mastermind peer groups to your practice. When you have your clients and prospects both participating in your groups, this is what happens:

  1. Advisory service revenue increases: As a professional, you can occasionally showcase your expertise with the groups by leading roundtable discussions or briefly presenting a topic of interest to educate the group before the meeting. Clients learn about all the service offerings and benefits without being “sold.” Clients also begin to grow, and better decisions are made that directly lead to opportunities for more services.

  2. New Engagements: Prospects become clients because you regularly interact with them when the mastermind meetings meet. It is guaranteed time you will see your prospects every month and begin to develop deeper, trusting relationships.

  3. Client Retention Increases: Clients participating in the meeting and having regular recurring interaction helps you develop a deeper understanding of their needs, their business, and how you can enable or connect them to others. You become a genuine trusted advisor and resource connector. The client sees and experiences additional value by being associated with you.

  4. Increase Your Worth: The value of your firm increases because your metrics improve, revenue increases, and you have a recurring revenue stream of monthly membership fees that drives the value of your enterprise. It is a revenue model you will be able to count on, giving you peace of mind in having a stable, consistent income regardless of the state of the economy.

Peer groups complement any professional services firm core offering by reinforcing your desire to continue to work with your clients and add additional value. It’s not just about the benefits for you, your clients, and prospects, it's a win-win for all.


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